

Nx300px, a breakpoint system

The simplest system for screen size breakpoints in responsive design, my Nx300px breakpoint system.

Git Worktree

As I've understood Git worktrees, there are two main workflows to use.

Floor Typography CSS 2021

Floor Typography CSS is a light library for a better default, typographic CSS meant to build on. It does a simple reset and normalize; applies a simple, default style for the few needed elements; sets a typographic vertical rythm, and; adds CSS variables for customization. Here are my thoughts on dev. moving forward.

Digitale utslipp

Ja, det digitale kan være grønnere enn en del fysiske alternativ, men ikke hvis vi overforbruker. Som alt annet bør heller ikke det digitale overforbrukes.

Anatomien av Location (URL)

Jeg kom over denne visualiseringen av en URL, noe jeg har savnet når jeg har måtte forklare oppbyggingen av en nettadresse.

Qualitative or Quantitative Design Research?

“Quantitative methods tend to tell me whether something happens and how common it is to happen, whether it's something I actually expect to see in practice commonly. Qualitative methods either both tell me new things that I didn't think about before, or give me the ‘why’ answers. If I'm trying to understand ‘why’ it is I'm seeing a phenomenon. The quantitative things—the measurements—say, ‘Yeah, there's something happening, people are finding this feature difficult.’ The qualitative thing helps me understand what it is about it that's difficult and helps me to solve it.”